If a paper is co-authored by two or more authors, all of them can apply for the bursary. Each author will have to individually upload their bursary application as a separate Word or PDF file while submitting the abstract. Bursary documents which have not been attached to the abstract submission system along will not be considered.
However, the bursary applications go through an extensive competitive process, and no more than one author for one paper will be offered a bursary.
The registration fee for Masters or PhD students is €30. All others (faculty members of universities, postdoctoral fellows, individual researchers as well as activists) have to pay the registration fee of €50.
All faculty members of universities, postdoctoral fellows, individual researchers and activists have to pay the registration fee of €50.
Please send the correct attachment at india@dcu.ie.
The conference is primarily aimed at doctoral students, independent researchers and faculty members of universities. However, Masters students are welcome to submit their abstracts. The decision on the acceptance of abstracts will be based solely on the merit of the abstracts.
The deadline for registration is final, unless an extension is decided by the Organizing Committee and announced on the III website.
Previous participants from South Asia have sometimes found it difficult to register using a Debit Card. If this happens to you, we suggest using a Credit Card as an alternative. If the issue is still not resolved, please mail us at india@dcu.ie.
Conference participants who are presenting their papers at the 2020 Conference and are interested in publishing it in a future issue of the Critical South Asian Studies are welcome to submit their papers for peer review. They are requested to follow the submission guidelines here.