The Ireland India Institute, with Dublin City University, hosts Indian Council for Cultural Chairs. The chair’s role is to excahnge cultural experiences with students of the School of Law and Government.
Indian Council for Cultural Relations Chair
Prof Anjoo Sharan Upadhyaya
Prof Anjoo Sharan Upadhyaya (BHU) will be serving as the ICCR Chair in Dublin City University, from September 2016.
Professor Anjoo Sharan Upadhyaya has a Ph.D. from Banaras Hindu University (1981), she did an Advance International Diploma in Conflict Resolution in Uppsala University, Sweden (1990), and she has held post-doctoral positions in London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK (1986-1990), at the Woodrow Wilson Centre for International Scholars, Washington DC, USA (1992) and in Brown University, Providence, United States (1997).
She is currently engaged in a number of on-going funded research projects. She works with the German Foundation for Peace Research, (DSF, Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung), on “Peaceful Coexistence? ‘Traditional’ and ‘Non-traditional’ Conflict Resolution Mechanisms”, with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway on “Peacebuilding, Diversity and Human Security”, and also with the Research Council of Norway on “Making Women Count for Peace”.
More of her work can be accessed here.

Professor Tridib Chakraborti
Professor Chakraborti is the former Head of the Department of International Relations, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. He is a well known expert of Southeast Asian Affairs. He has specialized in South and Southeast Asian politics, foreign relations, strategic issues, Indian Diaspora, Indian political thought and ethnic Issues of Southeast Asia. His first book was India and Kampuchea: A phase in their Relations- 1978-81 (Minerva Associates (Publications) Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata, 1985. He has also co-edited seven books on International Relations, among which, Vietnam: A Changing Horizon,Chatterjee Publishers, Kolkata, 1992; Anatomy of Fear: Essays on India’s Internal Security, Lancer’s Books, New Delhi, 2004; India’s Foreign Policy,Pearson, New Delhi, 2009 and Power, Commerce and Influence: India’s Look East Experience, Lancers’ Books, New Delhi, 2009, China and the Contemporary World, Reader’s Service, 2014 are noteworthy. He has written more than 45 articles on different topics related to Southeast and South Asia in edited volumes. He has completed the supervision of six Ph.D. and thirty M.Phil students to date.
Professor Chakraborti, IICR Chair has been based in the School of Law and Government at DCU from February 2015 to June 2015 and has taught the module: Contemporary India in the BA and MA International Relations.

Professor Priyankar Upadhaya
Widely regarded as the Pioneer of Peace studies in India, Professor Priyankar Upadhaya holds the UNESCO Chair for Peace and Intercultural Understanding at Banaras Hindu University (Asia’s largest residential university), Varanasi. He also heads the Malaviya Center for Peace Research situated in the University. Professor Upadhayaya holds M.Phil. and Ph.D Degree of Jawaharlal Nehru University. He also holds Advance International Diploma(s) in Conflict Resolution from the Uppsala University, Sweden. Prof. Upadhaya has done Post-Doctoral Research at London University and the Woodrow Wilson Centre for International Scholars, Wash DC. He was selected for the Guest Scholar Award of the Woodrow Wilson Centre of International Scholars at Wash DC 1992, Faculty Research Award, Canadian Govt. 1999 and Senior Fulbright Award in 2004. Professor Upadhyaya has taught and done research in Political Science & Conflict Resolution in many parts of the world, including Concordia University, Montreal; Ulster University in Northern Ireland, at the Department of Political Science, Karlstad University in Sweden and US Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs. He has also been Fellow at the Henry L Stimson Center, Wash DC, and recently a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Peace Research Institute (PRIO), Oslo. Professor Upadhyaya has publications in journals and books fromOUP, MUP, CUP, Sage, Ashgate and Routledge among others and research articles in reputed International Journals such as the Denver Journal of International Law & Policy; International Studies (Sage) and Strategic Analysis (Routledge).
Prof. Upadhyaya has taught International Relations & Peace Studies at Banaras Hindu University for over three decades.He has contributed as a Resource Person for UN University of Peace and at the Henry L Stimson Center, Wash DC. Prof Upadhyaya also a visiting speaker at the Foreign Service Institute, Naval War Academy and National Defense College in India.
In 2014, Prof Upadhyaya has served as the ICCR Chair of Indian Studies at Dublin City University.