Dr Arpita Chakraborty is a postdoctoral fellow at the Ireland India Institute. Her areas of interest are masculinity, political violence, and relations between gender relations and religious practices in contemporary India. She holds a Masters in Media and Cultural Studies from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, during which she co-directed ‘Bharatmata Ki Jai’, a national award winning documentary film. She worked as an Editor in Sage Publications India before undertaking her PhD in ‘Violence, Religion, and Masculinism in Contemporary India’.
Key Publications
2019. Arpita Chakraborty and Radhika Gajjala (Co-authored). Dialogue Interludes with Arpita Chakraborty, in Digital Diasporas: Labour and Affect in Gendered Indian Digital Publics. London and New York: Rowman and Littlefield International.
2019. Politics of #LoSha: Using Naming and Shaming as a Feminist Tool on Facebook. In Debbie Ging and Eugenia Siapera (eds) Gender Hate Online: Understanding the New Anti-Feminism. London: Palgrave Mcmillan.
2019. Why India’s Elections are the Biggest Politics Event of 2019. of-2019/ (last accessed on 30 September 2019).
2018. Reproductive Rights: The Case of India. In Cristina Florescu, Ellena Balboa, Juliana Sassi and Paola Rivetti (ed.) We Have Come a Long Way: Reproductive Rights of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Ireland. Dublin: Editora Urutau.
2018. Review of Beatty, Aidan, Masculinity and Power in Irish Nationalism, 1884–1938, Palgrave- Macmillan, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-137-44099-0, 266+xv, 85.59. Sibeal Journal Volume 3.
2018. Review of Charu Gupta, The Gender of Caste: Representing Dalits in Print (Global South Asia series). Seattle: University of Washington Press 2016, xv+336 pp, ISBN 9780295995649. Religion and Gender 8(1): (last accessed on 30 September 2019).
2017. Can Postcolonial Feminism Revive International Relations?, Economic and Political Weekly 20 May . Mumbai, India: EPW. relations.html (last accessed on 30 September 2019).
2017. Irish PM Leo Varadkar is gay, conservative – and of Indian Origin. June 17, Indian Express. origin-4704828/ (last accessed on 30 September 2019).
2016. On the Conflicted Space of “Chitmahals” between the Indo-Bangladesh Border., (last accessed on 30 September 2019).
2015. Was My Grandmother A Feminist? A Tribute On Women’s Day. Antiserious: Journal of Laughter in Slow Motion. March 8, (last accessed on 30 September 2019).
Decolonising European academia: Race, gender, and the imagined history of the immigrant. Thinking Gender Justice. University College Dublin, 22-24 May 2018.
Symbolic Violence and the Indian women’s movement: Discursive and methodological possibilities emerging from a Feminist Standpoint Reading of Bourdieu. International Feminist Journal of Politics Annual Conference, University of San Francisco, April 2-3, 2018.
Masculinity in the Face of Colonialism: Conceptions of Masculinity in the Works of Swami Vivekananda, French Asian Studies Network Conference at Sciences Po, Paris, 26-28 June 2017.
‘Bunch of Thoughts’: Construction of the Hindu Male Self and Others in the works of Golwalkar’, European Consortium of Politics and Gender (ECPG) Conference 2017 held at Lausanne, Switzerland.
‘Wives as doorways of citizenship: The case of Bangladeshi enclaves in India’ at the Borderlands: Journal of Gender Studies Biennial Gender Research Conference, University of Hull, 23 November 2016.