The Ireland India Institute, with Dublin City University, hosts Indian Council for Cultural Chairs. The chair’s role is to excahnge cultural experiences with students of the School of Law and Government.
Indian Council for Cultural Relations Chair
Prof Anjoo Sharan Upadhyaya
Prof Anjoo Sharan Upadhyaya (BHU) will be serving as the ICCR Chair in Dublin City University, from September 2016.
Professor Anjoo Sharan Upadhyaya has a Ph.D. from Banaras Hindu University (1981), she did an Advance International Diploma in Conflict Resolution in Uppsala University, Sweden (1990), and she has held post-doctoral positions in London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK (1986-1990), at the Woodrow Wilson Centre for International Scholars, Washington DC, USA (1992) and in Brown University, Providence, United States (1997).
She is currently engaged in a number of on-going funded research projects. She works with the German Foundation for Peace Research, (DSF, Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung), on “Peaceful Coexistence? ‘Traditional’ and ‘Non-traditional’ Conflict Resolution Mechanisms”, with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway on “Peacebuilding, Diversity and Human Security”, and also with the Research Council of Norway on “Making Women Count for Peace”.
More of her work can be accessed here.