Call for papers – South Asia in Transformative Times

Please note: the call for papers is now closed.

The Ireland India Institute is pleased to announce that its sixth annual South Asia Conference, South Asia in Transformative Times, will be held in person at Dublin City University from 19-21 April 2023.

South Asia is a region that has been through multiple shocks including war in Afghanistan, severe economic and political crisis in Sri Lanka, extreme climate events in Pakistan, the fallout of a global pandemic and intense geopolitical volatility. We invite abstracts that examine the multiple ways in which societies, communities, and governments across the region have sought to build resilience. In particular, we welcome papers that explore the interconnection between transformation and displacement – of people, ideas, and structures – in politics, the economy, literary genres, media, and communication in the past and present as well as imagined futures for the region.

Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words, along with 3 keywords. Please indicate under which of the following sections you would like your abstract to be considered:

  • Voices from South Asia: literature, film, the performing arts, politics, and media
  • Gender Studies – interdisciplinary, intersectional, and interactional developments
  • Domestic politics and international relations of South Asia
  • History and historiographies of South Asia
  • Prosperity, equity, and sustainability
  • Emerging methodologies and non-Western paradigms
  • Climate resilience and climate justice in South Asia
  • Culture, tradition, and religion – South Asian lived experiences

The extended deadline for submission is 16 December 2022. Successful applicants will be notified of this decision by 16 January 2023 and invited to register for the conference. Registration must take place by 5 February (please note updated deadline). Please note a registration fee of €15 applies to students and €30 to faculty and independent researchers. Successful applicants will be required to submit their completed paper by 5 April.

Doctoral and early-career researchers are encouraged to apply. We particularly invite papers from underrepresented groups including Queer, Dalit and other minority perspectives. A limited number of travel bursaries of up to €700 will be available to successful applicants who require financial assistance to attend the conference. To apply for a bursary, please attach a 300-word expository statement to your abstract submission.

Abstracts may be submitted below by creating an account or logging into an existing account. Panel submissions of no more than four panellists are also welcomed – to submit a panel proposal and for any other queries contact

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